Do you want to free up storage space and at the same time part with your old equipment ?

In close collaboration with AlternUp Medical, a company specialized in the sale and purchase of new, used and refurbished medical devices, we have set up a buy-back system dedicated to your refurbished medical devices.

If these do not work any more, or have one or more defective parts and you do not know what to do with them and you wish to get rid of them to free up space.


- What are the advantages of this system ?

- This method frees up your storage space.

- In addition to that, on little or non functional material, you ensure yourself an increase of capital to invest or to have new functional material.

- This procedure is an optimal solution for people who want to sell their entire stock of medical devices.

- We come to you to collect the equipment and we pay all the costs.

- You can be sure that your discarded equipment will have a second life.

For more information on the terms and conditions of buyback, please visit the Alternup Medical website.

You want to know more or you are interested ?

Contact Alternup Medical by email:, or by phone at +33 (0)4 74 64 58 15 (France and International)