Once the medical device arrives at our facility, our experienced staff tests the functionality of the device for possible defects.

And thus apply the appropriate repairs and corrections to the device.

Depending on the condition of the device, there will be different levels of reconditioning:


- The 1st level of reconditioning is to check the good condition of the device and if there is nothing to report, and to know if it still meets the current standards. If so, it will be put online in order to sell it in its condition.

Indeed, the recovered product can always be functional, without any problem in terms of its functionality or the parts that make it up, and that its appearance is always in good condition.        

- The 2nd level is concerning a visual renovation of the aesthetics of the device.

It is possible that the device received may be functional but that its visual aspect is degraded or damaged.

In these cases, our collaborators take care of restoring the device to its original aspect or an aspect that is as close as possible to it, by working on the paint, the bodywork or plastic renovations using resin for example, etc...

- The 3rd level corresponds to a partial or total reconditioning of the device.

When a device arrives at our facilities with a part that is no longer functional, our team performs tests to identify the location of the failure and thus replace worn or damaged parts.

In case the whole device is damaged, a total renovation is necessary.

New parts are then ordered to replace the worn parts.

When the repair or replacement is done, the device undergoes a series of tests to ensure that it works without any inconvenience.

We make sure that this restoration meets the manufacturer's standards so that the performance is the same as the original.

And in order to do this, we supply ourselves with original parts.

Some parts can even be recovered and kept as spare parts to be used for repairs on other medical devices.

Whenever possible, we make available on our YouTube channel, videos of the various tests we perform to ensure that the device is in good working order and functional.

All of our videos can be found on our YouTube channel, available at this link:


And of course, on each product sheet, a video to show you the features of the device and that is working correctly.